Cancer: Colorectal

Treatments are surgery, neoadjuvant radiotherapy (for patients with rectal cancer), and adjuvant chemotherapy (for patients with stage III/IV and high-risk stage II colon cancer). 5-year relative survival ranges from 90% in patients with early stage disease to 10% in patients with end stage disease. Colorectal screening has been shown to reduce colorectal cancer incidence and mortality. 1.1 million patients are diagnosed with colorectal cancer every year. Incidence is closely related to western lifestyle and increases with age.
Aims of the NIHR HIC
The aim of the project is to collect detailed information from eight of the UK’s major colorectal cancer centres. This information will provide a significant data resource outside of a clinical trial setting, to help our understanding of the factors that are important in the outcome of patients presented with colorectal cancer, which helps the development of new and improved treatments and medicines.
Collaborating centres:
Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (Lead Centre)
Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust
Imperial College Healthcare Trust
University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
The Christie NHS Foundation Trust
Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust
University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
University Hospitals Southampton NHS Foundation Trust