Cancer: Prostate

The NHS has pioneered novel diagnostic and treatment paradigms in prostate cancer. The prostate cancer NIHR HIC theme aims to use the data collected during routine practice and cancer registry submissions to answer important questions in prostate cancer management.
A major lesson learned from the phase 1 project in ovarian cancer was that data completeness and quality varied across centres. This is felt to be due to the particular challenges associated with manual data entry into electronic health records – these include addressing issues with IT, process and clinician engagement.
Aims of the NIHR HIC
The first major aim of the prostate cancer theme is to investigate the current baseline of data collection, using the National Prostate Cancer Audit dataset, before instituting changes to improve data completion. The site leads will act as champions to deliver this change. The team will also work with COSD and Genomics England to improve data collection for these projects. The resulting datasets will afford novel insight into the disease processes underlying prostate cancer.
Lead centres:
- University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospital NHS Foundation Trust